Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Cyber World: Boon Or Bane?


Cyber World: Boon Or Bane?

Stalker’s Lair

Stalking is a behavior that is serious, often violent and can rocket over time. It is the act of harassing, violating and threatening that is committed by a stalker to his/her victim. It is the repetitive pattern of domestic violence, control and terror which usually happens to people who know each other. For some stalkers, stalking is a manifestation of their love, care, affection and protection but for the latter stalkers, stalking is their way of surveying their enemy, revenge, hostility, anger and many other more motivations that push and cause stalkers to commit this kind of behavior. Hence, stalking is considered as a crime because of the effects and threats it imposes to the victim more so to a society. A society that is intensely exposed to an open environment that enables stalkers to stalk their victims freely with the aid of technology advancements like the Internet, Social Networking Sites and many more that enables one to track, collate information, cross privacy bounds and monitor a target victim for there are many ways on how to stalk. As this kind of alarming behavior exists in a continuum, there is a growing population of stalkers and victims who experience dangers, fears, paranoia and many other effect of stalking and this predicament is made worst by the rise of the cyber world.



According to and as stated on the website, “Cyberstalking is a very serious form of online harassment. At one level, cyberstalking is much like cyberbullying, as it involves the sending of repeated annoying and unwelcome messages. But cyberstalking goes far beyond cyberbullying in terms of motivations and tactics. Cyberstalking involves a disturbed obsession with the target, and a perverse desire to control that target in some way, even by attacking the target's family members. Cyberstalkers do not wish to just torment someone for an adolescent power rush... stalkers want to force the target into some kind of submission, and are willing to involve other targets to achieve that disturbed result.”

According to Wikipedia, Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group, or an organization. It may include false accusations, defamation, slander and libel. It may also include monitoring, identity theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, or gathering information that may be used to threaten or harass. Cyberstalking is often accompanied by realtime or offline stalking. Both are criminal offenses. Both are motivated by a desire to control, intimidate or influence a victim. A stalker may be an online stranger or a person whom the target knows. He may be anonymous and solicit involvement of other people online who do not even know the target.

Who and What is a Cyberstalker?

Cyberstalker is a stalker who stalks in any form of SNS. Gill (2013), said that cyberstalking is like a cyber bullying in terms of motivations and tactics. They use the internet to attack their victim. They locate their victim and survey them in a long period of time then if they know very well their victim already, they tend to harass them emotionally and criminally manipulate their victims.

Cyberstalkers like to use email, Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare, text messaging, and sexting as their primary tools. They sometimes use online dating services, discussion forums, and mobile phone devices to stalk their prey. If the stalker is a sophisticated user, he/she will use many of these means in combination.

Cyberstalkers commonly have four objectives:

1.      locate,

2.      surveil,

3.      emotionally harass,

4.      and criminally manipulate their prey.

In some cases, the cyberstalker will prey on their target's family, friends, and coworkers to attack their target. (


  1. Stalking Motivations
    1. Boredom
    2. Anger
    3. Jealousy
    4. Obsession
    5. Information
    6. Revenge
    7. Hate
    8. Violence
    9. Sexual interests
    10. Infatuation
    11. Attachment
      1. Attempts for reconciliation
      Establishment of close relationship

      Cyberstalkers are regular people with very irregular psychological problems. The truly frightening part is that cyberstalkers can be random: you do not need to know the person to become their target. Some cyberstalkers will just choose random targets online.


Effects and Consequences of Stalking

            Stalkee or the victims are observed or disturbed by their stalkers. Stalkers violate the rights of their victim from getting personal or even private information that they tend to spread if they can’t get what they want. Stalkers are unpredictable when they are stalking. They outrage the limitations of privacy of their victim. That is why Stalking has designated penalties that are to bestowed upon a stalkers violations.

            If the stalker knows the cellular number or the email address of his/her victim they tend to send unwanted text messages, letters, emails and voicemails and constantly calling and hanging up. Technology, Internet to be specific, has a big factor or a big help to the stalker to gather personal information, they use social networking sites and technology to track and monitor their victim’s accounts. Internet can help for an easily access by stalkers, there is also a personal way to gather details like what Personal stalking where the stalkers will survey their victims house, workplace and school. (

            According to Mechanic, victims of stalking experience psychological stress like fear and safety concerns, depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, leaves/absences or worse not even returning to workplace or school and homicide are some of the consequences or effects of stalking to victims.


What to do if someone is cyberstalking you?

            If one feels that he/she is being stalked, he/she must know their stalker then report and get a protection order from the police and keep them safe. Present important evidence like text messages, voice mails, videos, letters and emails you will also need the people who witnessed the stalking and or harassing. Once they get a protection order; your stalker may be convicted or arrested if they come near you. (

            Different states have their own classification of offenses in stalking. Hence, it is a kind of crime that violated the privacy of others. Some states say that stalking is felony upon first offenses while on the other hand it is worse on second offense. (, 2012)

If you want to read more about Cyberstalking visit the sources  below:

*Pictures are not mine :)